Applicants applying in Lithuania and Ukraine
If you are applying for your Australian passport and you are in Lithuania or Ukraine, please follow these instructions carefully:
1. Once your application form is complete and you have all the correct supporting documentation, please lodge the application at the Australian Consulate in Vilnius, or the Australian Consulate in Kyiv. If you are not sure if your application is correct, please make an appointment to visit the Consulate and ask for their assistance or advice.
2. Once we have received your application we will check it, and advise you if we have any further questions or need further documentation.
3. Once your application has been received and is correct, we will ask you to arrange a funds transfer, in Polish Zloty, paid into the Embassy account as follows:
Account no. (IBAN no.) : PL52103010610000000030897000
Name of the bank: Citi Handlowy
Bank address : Senatorska 16, Warsaw 00-923 POLAND
We recommend you also provide the swift/BIC code to the bank to speed up the payment process.
Swift/BIC code: CITIPLPX
You MUST transfer exactly the correct amount of money in Polish Zloty, including any bank charges which may be charged both by the sending bank (your bank) and the receiving bank (the Embassy bank). Some banks offer the option for you to pay the bank charges yourself separately; some may require that you add bank charges to the total amount being transferred.
Please provide a copy of the receipt with your application as proof of payment.
Internet banking
If you wish to pay into the account using Internet banking, please ensure you enter your family name as a reference in the ‘text box’.
Thank you for following these instructions carefully, it will help to speed up the processing of your application.